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I want to go back in time when life was so much simpler. When Tom and I first got married, life was just so simple. We were both in law school and you would think that it was a stressful time in our lives. But, it was just so easy. We went to school, we studied, we played. That was it. We didn't worry about money because we didn't have any, we didn't worry about the health of our kids because we didn't have any, we just didn't have much to worry about. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go back in time just for a a few days?
Just the thought of it makes me want to chuck our possessions out the windows, hop into the van and head to the coast of Maine and live in a tiny cabin. Unfortunately, I think our worries would follow us, but the thought of simplifying life is so darn appealing right now. It just seems as though life's worries get bigger the older you get, ya know?
Or maybe I just need a tropical vacation. That would work. LOL!