This is part of a month-long series that my teen daughter and I are writing about her life and learning to live with epilepsy. To start at the beginning, click here.
I try to keep Beth from hearing about stories of people with epilepsy. Because epilepsy usually doesn't make the news unless something terrible has happened. Seizures are not talked about nearly enough and often it's because people with epilepsy try to keep it hidden. The disorder is not understood and they are mocked and ridiculed for having seizures. Until something terrible happens.
I've been watching the story of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill for a while now. But this is the best article I've read. Grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and read this. Please.
It's a story about Coach Kill and a little boy. It will break your heart and fill you up all at the same time. You will understand epilepsy when you're done. And why I call Beth my hero. Every minute of every day she deals with this.
It's time to start talking about epilepsy.
*If you'd like to read all of our 31 Days posts about living with epilepsy, click on the button on the sidebar or start here. And if you're wondering what the heck is going on and who Beth is, click here. :)
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